Wednesday 2 October 2013


Dorothea Lange

Crossroads Store (1939)

Dorothea Lange's photographs are seen as socially historical documents of the Great Depression. Photographing the homeless and poor, she captured important images that document the social effect of the Great depression and the effect it had on the people on the streets. Lange photographed what she saw, which creates really interesting, unplanned images that have more meaning than if they were arranged into a compostion.

"Hands Off! I do not molest what I photograph, I do not meddle, I do not arrange" - Dorothea Lange

Loretta Lux

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Study of a Girl 2

Loretta Lux's photographs of children are quite surreal and odd. The image above is interesting to look at, on first glance it appears to be just a photo of a young child but there is something rather odd about it. I can't quite decide whether I like it or not, as there is something vaguely weird about it however I do like the fact it is a challenging image, as there is something quite uncomfortable about it, but it is really a rather straightforward photograph. 

Eadweard Muybridge

Woman Dancing (Fancy)

Using multiple cameras, Eadweard Muybridge created series of photographs depicting motion using a stop motion effect. He was the first to use the idea of stop motion, a style which is still used today. Each of the images above can be used on its own, but together they create an interesting series of a woman dancing and moving.

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