Friday 18 October 2013

Visual Communication - 2D Design

Four disciplines within 2D Design are Illustration, Graphic Design, Animation and Textiles. 

Noma Bar 


Noma Bar uses block colour and negative space in his illustrations, which has an incredibly eye-catching effect. The above right image, "power to the individual", is a very simple design with bright, block colour, however the result is very striking. Not only is it the colour that draws attention, it is the very simple shapes in the piece. On first glance it just appears to be a pair of red boxing gloves, which is fitting to the title of the piece. However, after looking at the image again there seems to be a figure created out of the negative space of the gloves, the figure is posing in a position that displays strength and power, which again, relates to the title of the piece.

The above left image, "swimmer", is again, a fairly simple design with simple bright colour. As with the other piece, negative shape plays an important part as it creates the idea of water and a person swimming. Although the colour is the same across the image, there is still an impression of water and sky. The blue around the figure is curved, suggesting water, but the moon shape at the top and the stretched out arm of the figure also gives an idea of the sky, as the sky is often reflected in water which allows them to be the same colour. What I really like about Noma Bar's work is the way it manages to completely communicate and express meaning of the piece when only extremely simple colours and shapes are used.

Timorous Beasties


Timorous Beasties are a design company who create detailed wallpapers and fabrics. The image above is from a collection based on contemporary urban life. Using a simple colour two tone colour scheme, they have created a design that features silhouettes and outlines the content of the piece. What I really like about the piece above is the mixture of the contemporary, urban ideas, like the figures on bicycles and the lamp-posts, mixed with the very natural elements, like the birds and floral patterns. Floral patterns are a very common idea in this kind of 2D design, they are over-done and, in some regards, quite boring now. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy the piece above so much, as it mixes in this obvious idea with something more modern and something that is the antithesis to the floral, natural pattern.

This image is actually Timorous Beasties logo. However, I find it rather interesting, the monochrome colour scheme is bold and striking along the simple imagery. The use of negative space to outline the T and the insect allow the viewer to clearly recognise the company and is a memorable design,  whilst also demonstrating what they do as a company. Overall it is a very simple, yet effective design for a logo. 

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