Monday 16 September 2013

On a walk

Part of my foundation art and design course involves researching and collecting artists and their work, to help gather inspiration and a reference for my own work and the process of my ideas. This blog will be the record of the artists I discover, so I can easily navigate my ideas and explore new ways of working.
This week, my assignment involved walking and ideas of walking within art so I have collected the following appropriate artists.

Janine Antoni

Tightrope Walking
Touch (2000)

Janine Antoni practised tightrope walking for an hour a day until she was able to walk the line of horizon just in front of the house she grew up in. I think this is an interesting and playful way to approach the idea of using art within walking, as draws attention to the horizon, making it the central feature. It almost looks as if Janine Antoni is walking on the horizon line, which creates an impressive image and plays with the idea of composition and perspective.

Janine Antoni and Paul Ramirez Jonas

Janine Antoni also worked with Paul Ramirez Jonas to create a film in which they took turns walking behind each other and fitting in and destroying each others marks in the sand. I find this idea particularly interesting as it is a destructive but also quite a childish and playful method of working and interacting with the medium, since sand is easily manipulated. 

Hamish Fulton

Hamish Fulton is a self-described "walking artist", he states that he does not leave marks on his walks, but rather his walks leave marks upon him. 
“A walk has a life of its own and does not need to be materialized into a work of art.  An artwork cannot re-present the experience of a walk…I attempt to ‘leave no trace." Hamish Fulton

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