Thursday 19 September 2013

Transform pt. 2

Nancy Spero

Myth (1990)

What I really like in this piece is the repeated and super-imposed prints spread across the paper and the different methods and mediums used to create it. Using collage and prints, Nancy Spero has captured the ideas and symbols of myths and juxtaposed them with modern representation for women. There is a vast mixture of cultural and mythological icons, placed next to and even over the top of the more modern 'fantasy' images of women. I not only think it's a very interesting idea and design, but also think that it is important culturally as a representation of women and the female form.

Roger Hiorns

Copper sulphate Chartres and Copper sulphate Notre Dame (1996)

Using copper sulphate, Roger Hiorns has transformed these two churches into something extremely unusual. The contrast between the gothic architecture and the bright, blue crystals almost gives it magical appearance, like it doesn't belong in this world, but rather a fantasy world. The blue crystals sparkle, which against the stone buildings, is extremely eye-catching and the main focus of the piece. It almost makes the architecture of the churches rather dull, in comparison to the naturally grown, uncontrolled copper sulphate.

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