Sunday 15 September 2013


Fiona Rae

Fiona Rae's work attracted my attention immediately, her paintings are dramatic and full of energy and imagination, using vivid colours and abstract shapes. One of my favourite aspects of her work is the little features, such as the hearts that appear in the two images above. It adds an element of 'cuteness' and a cartoon-like feature to her work. Although both pieces above contain the same heart shape feature, they are quite contrasting images. The first is darker, whilst the second is brighter and in some says, it has a child-like imaginative quality exploding into a painting. I really like both pieces, as although they have contrasting elements, they both have a similar theme and are really strikingly expressive.  

Robert Rauschenberg

I really like the collage and layering element of this image. It seems to contain a collection of items and ideas in the one piece, which I find interesting, not only because of the textural features involved, but also as it makes you want to look closer and discover the ideas contained within the piece. 

I also like the image above, but prefer the previous piece. I like the layering of photographs and the different colours used, however I find the previous image much more expressive, as it is less controlled and this seems to lack the freedom of the first piece.

Yinka Shonibare

The use of clothing and textiles within art is not usually something that attracts my attention, however I find myself drawn towards Yinka Shonibare's work. In the piece above, I think I enjoy the mixture of the brightly coloured and patterned, Victorian styled dresses (which is a contrast in itself), in unusual, quite transgressive positions.    

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