Saturday 21 September 2013


I am not a fan of 'selfies'. I don't enjoy having my photograph taken by other people, so the thought of taking my own photo never crosses my mind and is something I would rather avoid. However this week at college, one of our tasks was to take some self-portraits. After some procrastination, I finally came round to the task and used to word 'movement' as the basis for my photographs. 

By moving and shaking my head when taking the photo, I was able to take a self-portrait with elements of distortion and movement and creating an overall more interesting image, rather than just a picture of my own face. 

I also tried some in black and white, to see the effects of taking away the colour and think this also provided an interesting image. Black and white imagery seems to create a much more serious feeling in the photograph and the effects are much more subdued in comparison to the full colour images.

For the last image, I tried taking the photo in a slightly different way, by only moving my mouth. I think this makes the image completely different, as the only moving, slightly distorted part is my mouth, and the rest of my face is in focus. My mouth seems to blend into my face and is blurred against the focused image, which presents an entirely different idea. 

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